Made in Muncie Identity Design

Identity System


  • Identity Standards Manual

  • Identity System Artwork

  • Identity Design Animation


Made in Muncie Pottery is a glaze your own pottery and contemporary studio, art gallery, and event venue located in downtown Muncie. They offer a variety of services including walk in pottery painting, a space to hold parties and events, private lessons with the current shop owner, workshops for all ages, and a camp for kids.

Currently, Made In Muncie’s logo doesn’t really express or showcase what the business is actually about. Passerbys might be unaware of the type of business that is being marketed. A new identity will peak the curiosity of visitors and connect their visual to their company’s mission.

The new logo I designed offers a refreshed and expressive identity that aspires to capture the eyes of passersby. This logo identity aims to connect the creativeness of the company with its wholesomeness of being family friendly.

Design Exploration - Sketches

Current Logo

Logo Rationale

The logo design is a mixture of the different important aspects of the company. For the overall logo, the main feature is the outline shape that signifies a ceramic pot. It is a combination of two different sized pots. The left side has a bigger pot to represent a parent and the smaller side on the right is to represent a child. A big aspect of this company is that it is family friendly, parents can take their children here to bond and have a chance to create something together - so I wanted a way to represent that within the logo design.

Painting is another big aspect of this company - with just knowing the name passersby might not realize that it is a pottery painting business. I wanted a way to incorporate that into the logo as well. So, I decided to turn the edges that make up the outline of the pot into a long paintbrush. The start of each pot has the beginning brush of a paintbrush and the end of the pot outline has the bottom beveled part of a paintbrush. I also think this creates a fun, kidlike approach to the logo.

For the color scheme of this logo, I wanted to keep it at the basic primary colors. I chose to focus on just shades of red and blue

New Logo System

Logo Animation

The concept for the motion graphic was to simplistically depict the paint brushes being painted into the logo. This is created by each brush progressively being “brushed” onto the logo. The larger one appears first and the smaller one appears second. The “Made In” and “Pottery” appear in from their respective sides and the “Muncie” fades into frame last for the final empasis.

MIM Identity Guidelines

This is the identity standard guidelines document that was made for my Made In Muncie Pottery identity system.

You can also view the guidelines manual in its entirety on Issuu:

MIM Logo Mockups